Nutrition goes a loooong way to getting you the body you want, BUT bringing you’re A(super sweaty)game to your sessions is massively important to building that amazing lean muscular physique, your fitness and your health!
Now is the time to stop staying within your comfort zone and try to go a little faster, deeper, heavier – so what if you need to revert back after a round or so or need a bigger break after that move then usual – this shows you are constantly evolving to get the results you want and will help stop your body and results plateauing.
When we change our attitude and perspective, we change our bodies!
Instead of saying ‘I can’t/don’t feel like it’ say ‘I can/lets see what happens.’ Keep trying, keep changing, keep enjoying your journey and you will get closer and closer to your goals. If you change your thinking – your body has no choice but to follow.
– We tend to get in our own way while in class. ‘I can’t do that’, ‘I am scared to look silly’. Sound familiar? STOP! Stop thinking with fear or negativity and start doing. Those negative fear based thoughts will quiet and you’ll realise just how far you can go.
– Trust your instructors (speaking about the amazing Evo Instructors anyhow!). They are there for a reason. Trust the class. Trust them. Trust yourself. You can do it. If the instructor asks for a certain speed/time you don’t think you can do, rather than giving up, give in. Give it a shot or get as close as you can and be ok with taking a breather if you wish to. By taking action – your body will change.
– It can get scary going to a new class, lifting a type of weight you’ve never lifted, or trying a new and difficult exercise. That’s why you are in that workout session—to overcome that fear and to embrace the change you want to see in you. Keep going, get into a workout routine and it becomes less scary and even (dare I say it) enjoyable! Be brave to unlock your true potential –because it’s there!
– Every great trainer remembers where he or she started on his or her fitness journey! I know I do and that was well over a decade ago! I kept showing up, kept trying movements I didn’t think I could do. That’s where I become more confident. That’s where my motivation to continue to push myself came from: fear. Working through that fear is where we grow and develop both internally and externally.
If you can push your body to new places by changing your thinking while working out, imagine what you can do outside of the gym!
When the session ends, you’re stress-free, endorphins are flowing and you are feeling pretty good about yourself! I try to work out often, and I try to give it my all when I do. When I train, I feel as if life and everything involved in life just became that little bit easier.
I am the Head Coach and Nutritional Specialist at Evo. I have a huge determination and focus to help empower men and women in fitness and to encourage us to support and champion each other. I have always been extremely passionate about fitness and helping others so being a trainer was the most natural step for me to take. I dedicate my time training people using the best functional skills and tools that give them the body and confidence they have been searching for. To me, good nutrition is not something you have to do, it is what your body deserves in order for you to live life fully energised and uplifted. It is important to me to educate clients in healthy sustainable eating. Well-being is of the body, health and mind and I help develop clients in all areas. I believe that with the right direction this lifestyle is fun and the benefits – unbelievably rewarding!