Do you want to know the most important time of the year to make a transformation…NOW!
Saying you will make changes in January is like driving around with a puncture.
Its just going to get worse and a lot harder to fix when the time comes!
After watching members over almost a decade I have noticed that the average person adds between 2-8lb over the next couple of months!
It is a HUGE mistake to take your foot off the gas over the next few months.
You can undo all of your hard work whether you have been building muscle or dropping body fat.
You will give yourself a much bigger hill to climb in the new year both physically and mentally. In January its like starting a car that has been sat in the cold.
We all want to be the best version of ourselves possible right?
WINTER is when the work is done!
The winter mornings when its SO easy to stay in bed instead of train.
THIS is when the work is done!
The cold weather and all you want to do is eat carbs and comfort food.
THIS is when the work is done!
Dozens of social events and you make the excuse that the next two months are Xmas!
THIS is when the work is done!
If you can make it through the few two months keep your consistency and eat well 80% of the time ….you will start next year flying and when the sun comes out you will be exactly where you need to be.
If you fall of the wagon and reach for the “Celebrations” and Booze already. You are going to have a tough time in the new year. Not just physically but getting your mindset back on track!
Do you remember feeling terrible feeling the last time you got out and trained even though the weather was cold and wet…..NO!….nor does anyone. You always feel better!
That is because you are a bad ass piece of biological technology, you are designed to get out there challenge yourself and take on the world!
You are designed to push yourself, you are designed to sweat, you are designed to DO THE WORK!
Your deepest desire is to be the greatest version of yourself.
If you slack off over the next two months you are straying away from that purpose.
And when you start to go down the wrong path that it leads to
– Stress
– Depression
– Extreme Lethargy
– Poor confidence
– Low self esteem
When you get out there and DO THE WORK, when you train 3-4 times a week over the winter months…you will feel
– Strong
– Happy
– Full of energy
– Confident
– Proud
So what side of this equation do you want to be on?
Are you going to be a sheep this winter?
Follow the crowd, eat like s**t, booze ups, skip workouts and hibernate?
OR are you going to be a badass lion! Get out there no matter the weather and take whats yours, train like a beast, eat like a king/queen and get on the path the greatest version of yourself.
So what say ye? Will you be a sheep this winter? OR A BADASS LION?!
It has been my dream and passion to create a new, exciting and unique fitness experience unlike anything seen before. When you come here you will discover a passion for training and natural nutrition. This will change your life and transform your body back to its natural, beautiful state. Everything in life begins with your health and your happiness. Your Career, house and the money in your bank are meaningless without having the health and confidence to enjoy it. If there was a place that could transform your body, inspire and motivate you to reach your highest potential in life would you be interested? If there was a place that could show you the quickest path to the body of your dreams, reverse your ageing process and give you a new passion for life….would you take that chance? This is our purpose at Evo and what we strive to deliver to all those who come through our doors. I promise you that coming here will be an enriching experience that will change your body and your life. I look forward to meeting every one of you and guiding you to the body you desire. Which in turn will give you the confidence and happiness that you deserve.